Saturday, June 20, 2020

6th International Yoga Day 21.6.2020- YOGA AND COVID-19 - M.A.Aleem Neurologist #Trichy #Tamilnadu #India

6th International Yoga Day 21.6.2020

YOGA and COVID-19 


The 6th International Day  of Yoga on 21.6.2020 coming this year during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Till today over 8.2 Million people are affected with COVID-19 infection associated with nearly 4.5 lakh deaths in 213 countries. 

Social distancing,  contactless greeting boosting immunity and lockdown helped the people to prevent the spread of COVID-19 

Yoga is our 5000 years old, body and mind involved exercises, which can help in many ways to keep us away from COVID-19 during this Pandemic. 

Now a days Yoga can also help people to deal with increased depression and anxiety due to disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic

Contactless Greeting 

COVID-19 has brought attention around the world to many Indian traditions that promote and sustain good practices for mental, physical and spiritual health. Foremost among them is the  an Indian way of  greeting with folded hands (Namasta) that has been universally espoused by leaders worldwide.

The Indian way of greeting—Namaste—which is getting popular across the world has deeper spiritual and scientific meaning.

Scientifically, in 'Namaskar' which is Anjali Mudra of yoga in which various pressure points in palms and fingers are pressed which act as a healing power in various health problems.

Namaste'', a respectful greeting is conveyed when meeting a person or parting from him or her. This exclamation of salutation is derived from ''Namaskar'', an Indian tradition of greeting or showing a gesture of respect to others.

When doing so, we bring our palms together either before the face or chest, tilting our head slightly without coming into any physical contact at all.

 This system is derived from the Rig Veda, one of the four epics of an ancient Indian scripture.

An advisory has been issued not to shake hands, embrace, hug or kiss given that each of these greetings, compliments, good wishes is prone to the outbreak of the COVID-19  infection . 

In our Indian way of greeting 
 ''Namaste'' which asks you to maintain a distance of at least a meter and shower someone with your innermost feelings. Hence, a Namaste can never cause a contagion whereas the English greetings or any other contact associated greetings can.

The yogic Namaste, taken from Anjali Mudra of Pranamasana is used to mean ''I bow to the divine in you''. Such is the great philosophy of the Indian culture that holds you in the highest esteem and paves the way for cheerfulness and the wellbeing of mankind.

Anjali Mudra is performed as part of our yoga to achieve several benefits associated with it. 

One of them is to alleviate mental stress and anxiety. It takes to the meditative state of mind that controls our body, emotions, feelings and overall our thought process. 


Focus on Breath

COVID-19 has brought the focus right back to the breath, where modern science believes all things begin and end. Medical practitioners all over the world are finding ways to tackle the virus, which enters, stays and multiplies first in the upper respiratory system, and when fortified, attacks the lower respiratory system.


In yoga a simple technique is called square breathing. Visualize your breath traveling along a square. As you follow the instructions to inhale, hold your breath, or exhale, count slowly to three on each side. 

In yoga, nasal expiration and control of breath can help to improve your breathing capacity and help to withstand  respiratory distress related  illness. 

Boost immunity 

Yoga with meditation can also boost of immunity and it will help to prevent any viral infection

Holding breath in between inhalation and exhalation can not only change the genetic activity of white blood cells (immune cells), but it also appears to significantly increase white blood cells to help fight illness. 

Temperature control 

Yoga can help to control our body temperature. 

Sitali yoga can help to cools the body and affects important brain centres associated with biological drives & temperature regulation. It reduces mental and emotional excitation and encourages free flow of prana in the body.It induces muscular relaxation & mental tranquillity.

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