Thursday, December 3, 2015

Rain and Flood Related Health Issues: Prevention is better than Cure-
DOs and DON'Ts

Dr M A Aleem
Former Vice Principal
KAPV Govt Medical College and MGM Govt Hospital

There are some common monsoon diseases – some are easily treated, while a few can be life threatening.

Monsoon Season not only refresh every living being after dealing with the sizzling heat of summers but even brings diseases along with it. Due to warn, wet and humid climate, Skin infections become common during the Monsoons. A few Tips how to prevent from Monsoon Diseases.


This is the most common disease that catches you in the rainy season. This disease is spread by Female Anopheles mosquito. Since, there is a problem of water logging during the rainy season, mosquitoes get conducive conditions to bread. This is the most dangerous disease in India with highest number of deaths credited to it. Fever at regular intervals, bouts of shivering, muscle pain and weakness are the symptoms that a patient shows while suffering from Malaria.


Since this disease is spread by mosquitoes, so mosquitos’ repellents and net should be used to prevent it. Make sure that water does not stagnate in your area as mosquitoes breed in stagnant water. 

ABCD prevention of Malaria:

Awareness of risk of Malaria

Bite Prevention 

Antimalarial medication – Chemoprophylaxis (taking antimalarial 

Prompt Diagnosis and treatment.


Cholera is another deadly disease. The bacterium that causes cholera is usually found in food or water contaminated. Also poor hygienic conditions help this disease to spread.

Normally spreads in places with poor sanitation facilities. Severe diarrhoeas with water stools is the most common symptom of cholera. There could also be vomiting with immediate water loose and muscle cramps.


It always wise to get vaccinated as it lasts secures you for almost six months. 

Wash hands with soap and water frequently.

Drink only safe water including bottled water or boil water. Hot beverages are generally safe, as are canned or bottled drinks, but wipe the outside before you open them.

Eat food that’s completely cooked and hot and avoid street food vendor food.

Avoid sushi, as well as raw or improperly cooked fish or seafood of any kind.

Stick to fruits and vegetables that you can peel yourself.

Be wary of dairy foods including ice cream, which is often contaminated and unpasteurized milk.


Typhoid is a water-borne disease, and is very common during monsoon seasons. It is caused by S typtic bacteria, which is transmitted through consuming contaminated water and food. The worst part of that the infection of this disease can remain in the gall bladder of the patient even after it is cured. Most common symptom of this disease is prolonged fever, severe pain in abdomen and headache also indicate towards this disease.


This is highly communicable disease so that patient should be isolated from the rest of the family. Getting Homoeo treatment helps. The patients should get high intake of fluid to prevent dehydration. Precautions should continue even after apparent recovery.

Viral Fever: 

Viral disease is a common disease all over the world, but during monsoon it’s more prevalent. Constant sneezing, sore throat and fever are the common symptoms of this disease.


The easiest way is to avoid getting yourself wet in rain. The best home made remedy is a glass of hot turmeric milk. Gargles with warm water give relief to your sore throat. If things don’t improve then it is always better to see a doctor.

Gastrointestinal Infection: 

Unpleasant disease during monsoon is Stomach Infections such as gastroenteritis, which causes severe vomiting and diarrhea. In gastroenteritis, stomach and intestines are irritated and inflamed. The cause is typically a viral or bacterial infection.


Wash your hands thoroughly after using the bathroom or changing diapers to prevent stomach infection.

Do not eat or drink foods or liquids that might be contaminated.

Thoroughly were fruits, vegetables which have been kept in the open for a while.

Keep your cutting board clean and keep separate cutting board for meat and vegetables.

Every day drink a lot of water to stay well hydrated and ensure that the water is clean and filtered.

Avoid consuming food that is spicy and rich in sugar.

Dengue - 

Mosquitoes are always a problem for us. When a mosquito bites a person infected by dengue virus, the virus enters the mosquito. When the infected 

mosquito then bites another person, the virus enters that person's bloodstream. Anopheles mosquito, dengue fever is caused by tiger mosquito.


Mosquito bed could be used when the room is not air-conditioned. 

Aerosol and liquid spray has to be applied directly to the mosquito foe effective 

killing i.e. . Household pesticides.

Wear long-sleeved clothes and long trousers when going outdoors. Bodies could be protected from mosquito bite by applying insect repellent on clothes and exposed  part of the body especially when you travel to Dengue fever.


Chikungunya is transmitted by the bite of infected Aedes albopictus mosquitoes. These mosquitoes breed in the stagnated water and bite during bright daylight.


Use air conditioning or window / door screens to keep mosquitoes outside. If you are not able to protect yourself from mosquitoes inside your home or hotel, sleep under a mosquito bed net.

Wear long - sleeved shirts and long pants.

Use insect repellents.

You can use Sunscreen and insect repellent, apply the sunscreen first and then repellent.

“Insect Repellent Use Safety”


Jaundice, is a yellowish tinge to the skin and sclerae (the white part of the eye) that is caused by hyperbilirubinemia (an excess of bilirubin in the blood). 

Body fluids may also be yellow. The color of the skin and sclerae varies depending on levels of bilirubin; mildly elevated levels display yellow skin and sclerae, while highly elevated levels display brown. 


Vaccines for hepatitis (hepatitis A, hepatitis B)

Avoid heavy alcohol use

Take medications which prevent malaria before travelling to high-risk regions.

Avoid potentially contaminated food/water and maintain good hygiene


Leptospirosis is a fairly uncommon bacterial infection caused by a strain of Leptospirosis. It is most commonly transmitted from animals to human. It is often transmitted by animal urine or water containing animal urine coming into contact with breaks in the skin the eyes, mouth, nose or vagina 


At work - If you have an occupation where you come into contact with animals sources of contaminated water, such as farming or working with sewers or drains, wear adequate protective clothing. This could include waterproof gloves and boots, goggles and a mask. 

Travelling abroad -

If you are travelling to parts of the world where leptospirosis is widespread, you may wish to limit your exposure to freshwater sources, such as 

rivers, ponds or lakes. If you are unable to avoid these, you should ensure you wear adequate protective clothing. You should also only drink sealed bottled water or fresh water that has been boiled. Try to minimise your exposure to animal urine by avoiding areas where animals may have urinated.Never touch a dead animal with your bare hands.

Animal vaccination - At the moment, there isn't a vaccine that protects humans from leptospirosis, but it is possible to vaccinate cattle, dogs and some other animals. If you think you may be at risk of contracting leptospirosis from one of your animals, you may want to consider getting them vaccinated.

DOs and DON'Ts

With the onset of monsoon come water-borne diseases. Gastroenteritis, Jaundice, Typhoid Fever, Cholera and Diarrhea are some very common water-borne diseases in rainy seasons. To be in the pink of health, it is important to take necessary precautions against these diseases. To do this, individuals and their family members should keep the following in mind :

· Nails should be cut short once every three days.
· Only filtered / branded bottle water should be consumed.
· Wash hands properly with soap and water before consuming food.
· If a person does not have a water purification system, he/she should drink water after boiling and cooling it .
· If a person is suffering from loose motions, he/she should immediately see a Doctor and drink ORS (Oral Re-hydration Solution) to prevent dehydration.
· ORS should be continued till loose motions stops.
· If a person is suffering from vomiting, he/she should not eat/drink anything, otherwise the frequency of vomiting will increase which will cause further water loss and electrolyte imbalance. Doctor should be consulted immediately.
· The expiry date of all packed eatables / drinks should always be checked before consumption.
· Drinking water container should be washed everyday.
· Only warm and fresh cooked food should be consumed.
· Plenty of water and fluids should be consumed before stepping out in the heat.

· Consumption of water, milkshakes and fruit juices from roadside vendors should be avoided.
· Avoid eating cut fruits, Chat and food material from roadside Vendors.
· Oily and spicy food should be avoided.
· Half cooked / pre-cooked / refrigerated food should not be consumed.
· Leaving home/office empty stomach should be avoided.
· Avoid sharing utensils while consuming food.
· Do not bite nails with the help of teeth.
· Do not expose food and beverages to flies.

· Never do self-medication. Neither take medicines directly from chemist shop. Medicines should always be taken after getting proper advice from a qualified doctor.

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