Monday, December 7, 2015

Problem based and economy related approaches are the need of the hour to meet climate changes. Aleem M A. BMJ⁠ 2015;351:h6178


Combating climate change

BMJ⁠ 2015⁠; 351⁠ doi: (Published 18 November 2015)⁠

Cite this as: BMJ⁠ 2015;351:h6178

Rapid response

Re: Combating climate change

Problem based and economy related approaches are the need of the hour to meet climate changes

Different approaches are required for developed , developing and underdeveloped countries at different level to mitigate and prevent climate related catastrophes. Some countries depends on coal and other countries on diesel and wood. Health outcome are also different in every countries due to climate changes. So. Problem based and economy related approaches are the need of the hour for each country to face climate changes today and tomorrow

Competing interests: No competing interests

06 December 2015

M A Aleem


ABC Hospital

Annamalainagar .Trichy 620018 . Tamilnadu . India

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