Monday, May 23, 2022

Re:Healthcare Ecosystem in India in Future M.A.Aleem BMJ 2022;377:o1234

BMJ British Medical Journal 

Editor's Choice

Erosion of healthcare for those who need it most

BMJ 2022; 377 doi: (Published 19 May 2022)

Cite this as: BMJ 2022;377:o1234


Re: Erosion of healthcare for those who need it most

Healthcare Ecosystem in India in Future

Now a days healthcare delivery in India has witnessed a renewed focus on leveraging digital technology during the COVID-19 pandemic and after.
Various healthcare reforms launched before and during the pandemic such as, National Health Digital Mission (NDHM) and teleconsulting guidelines combined with burgeoning health tech start-up ecosystem, have evolved to make healthcare journey better for Indian population.
The new normal in Indian healthcare ecosystem will be about how healthcare delivery will innovate in the coming decade and what it means for both patients and healthcare providers. 
Digitization, technological enablement, and automation are affecting industries today in profound ways. Healthcare is no exception. The paradigm of healthcare delivery in India is changing and is poised for a big leap forward. Healthcare and drug innovation have come into sharp focus as never before in India 

The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated that health care organizations become more resilient, agile, and innovative through digitally enabled business models with data at the core. The pandemic added urgency and accelerated the process of change for healthcare to become more digitally enabled.

In India healthcare delivery is moving outside the four walls of traditional health system . Health care providers have realized that products or services alone, no matter how strong they are technically, will not be enough in future. They should look into the future to engage with their users across the health care value chain, whether that be physicians or patients, and deliver to them not just a better care product or care service, but a better care experience. Also, one needs to keep an eye on developments coming from non-core sources like technology companies which could further help in diagnosis or early detection and aid the healthcare ecosystem.
Hence, as health care organizations consider to move ahead, creating the right data environment to support a more human-centered approach to health care is an urgent need.

In India  the explosion of health care data requires a new ecosystem to be built around the needs of an individual enabled by technical standards, open data models and empowered by governance systems that deliver trust.
In our country,rising technologies generating data will need equally powerful tools to organize, interpret and draw insights from them — Artificial  intelligence (AI)is critical in this journey to turn complex information into usable insights, including individualized wellness solutions and show how to efficiently provide care across the ecosystem.
To keep up with the velocity and variety of health data generated today in India, the health information infrastructure must enable providers to connect, combine, analyze, and share health and social data.
Trusted intelligence systems also will emerge to secure confidence and participation of consumers and other stakeholders in India in near future.

In India clinicians will need to leverage medical, data and behavioral science knowledge and skills in the near future to deliver a personalized care demanded by patients. To support this shift, healthcare entities must decide now where to invest in education, training and recruiting.
Healthcare delivery in India witnessed a renewed focus on leveraging digital technology during the pandemic. The sector, predominantly recognized for sick care delivery, has looked at building next-gen capabilities that will be a differentiator in the decade ahead. Several reforms launched before and during the pandemic such as National Health Digital Mission (NDHM), teleconsulting guidelines combined with burgeoning health tech start-up ecosystem enabled by innovation, have evolved to make the healthcare journey better for Indian population. It is good that the private equity/ Venture capital funding is also coming to support the health tech start up eco system.

 Maximizing the clinical, financial, and operational value of these new digital offerings and services requires biopharma, medtech and other health care stakeholders to reinforce digital as an entirely new business model and ecosystem to deliver better outcomes and drive stakeholder awareness, adoption, engagement, and growth.

Competing interests: No competing interests

21 May 2022

M.A. Aleem

Emeritus Professor of Neurology * Visiting Specialist in Neurology ** Consultant Neurologist ***

The Tamilnadu Dr.M.G.R. Medical University * Dhanalakshami Srinivasan Medical College ** ABC Hospital ***

Chennai 600032* Perambalure 621212** Trichy 620018*** Tamilnadu India


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