Monday, March 31, 2014

Care For Pemples ON Face

Acne is a skin condition which is characterized by the appearance of red papules or pus filled papules in the face and most often the condition can be seen among the adolescent age group. In most instances the condition would be mild in nature and would occur from time to time and usually does not leave any permanent residues. But, in other instances, acne can lead to scarring and would be an agonizing problem for many who suffer.

Particularly in women, the occurrence of acne is heavily influenced by the alteration and changes in the hormonal pattern and even among males the hormonal influence on acne plays a major role. The underlying mechanism of such influence would be the increase levels of androgen hormones, such as testosterone and dihydrotestosterone, which is being secreted by the ovaries and by the adrenal glands. These hormones will stimulate the oil glands in the face to enlarge and secrete more secretions and thus cause the appearance of black heads and the white heads. If these get more enlarged, the pores that takes the secretions on to the surface of the skin can become blocked as well as get infected by a bacterium known as ‘propionebacterium acne’. By this time, the appearance of red papules and pus would be visible and the term ‘acne’ would be used in describing these swellings.

In science, it is well known that, hormones are controlled by negative and positive feedback and thus if it is possible to introduce a hormone that can challenge the production of the androgens or else disrupts the functioning of the androgens, the hormonal acne can be controlled or even cured. The treatments available for this kind of acne do just that and let us see some of the available treatment options for hormonal acne.

Oral contraceptive pills:

Often known as the pill, the estrogen contained in these tablets will act to reduce the ovarian production of androgen hormones as well as reduce the enzymes which produce certain types of androgens. Apart from these, OCP hormones will affect the available levels of effective androgens as it will stimulate the production of a protein which will bind the androgens making them less effective than in its free form.


This is a synthetic steroid which has shown to be effective against hormonal acne by reducing the effect of androgens by competing for binding sites. As such, the spiranolactone will bind to the sites which are usually occupied by the androgens to exert their effect and thus effectively reduce its influence.

Apart from the above, the facial cleansers which contain benzoyle peroxide can also be useful treatment options as some people do benefit by only using these as well.

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