Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Fibroid tumor of uterus

Fibroids affect at least 20% of all women at sometime during their life. Women aged between 30 and 50 are the most likely to develop fibroids. Overweight and obese women are at significantly higher risk of developing fibroids, compared to women of normal weight. Malignant (cancerous) growths on the smooth muscles inside the womb can develop, called leiomyosarcoma of the womb. However, this is extremely rare.
What is a Fibroid?
Fibroid is a non-cancerous (benign) tumors that grow from the muscle layers of the uterus (womb). They are also known as uterine fibroids, myomas, or fibromyomas. The singular of uterine fibroids is Uterine Fibroma. Fibroids are growths of smooth muscle and fibrous tissue. Fibroids can vary in size, from that of a bean to as large as a melon.
Types of Fibroid
There are four types of Fibroid:
Intramural: These are located in the wall of the uterus. These are the most common types of fibroids.
Subserosal fibroids: These are located outside the wall of the uterus. They can develop into pedunculated fibroids (stalks). Subserosal fibroids can become quite large.
Submucosal fibroids: These are located in the muscle beneath the lining of the uterus wall.
Cervical fibroids: These are located in the neck of the womb (the cervix).
Causes of Fibroid
A fibroid starts as a single muscle cell in the uterus. For reasons that are not known, this cell changes into a fibroid tumor cell and starts to grow and multiply. Heredity may be a factor. It is thought that a muscle cell in the uterus may be "programmed" from birth to develop into a fibroid sometime perhaps many years after puberty (the start of menstrual periods). After puberty, the ovaries produce more hormones, especially estrogen. Higher levels of these hormones may help fibroids to grow, although exactly how this might happen is not understood.
Symptoms of Fibroid
The symptoms of fibroids may include:
Heavy Vaginal Bleeding: Excessively heavy or prolonged menstrual bleeding is a common symptom. Women describe soaking through sanitary protection in less than an hour, passing blood clots and being unable to leave the house during the heaviest day of flow.
Pelvic Discomfort:  Women with large fibroids may feel heaviness or pressure in their lower abdomen or pelvis. Often this is described as a vague discomfort rather than a sharp pain. Sometimes, the enlarged uterus makes it difficult to lie face down, bend over or exercise without discomfort.
Pelvic Pain: A less common symptom is acute, severe pain. This occurs when a fibroid goes through a process called degeneration. Usually, the pain is localized to a specific spot and improves on its own within two to four weeks. Using a pain reliever, such as ibuprofen, can decrease the pain significantly.
Bladder Problems: The most common bladder symptom needs to urinate frequently. A woman may wake up several times during the night to empty her bladder. Occasionally, women are unable to urinate despite a full bladder.
Low Back Pain: Rarely, fibroids press against the muscles and nerves of the lower back and cause back pain. A large fibroid on the back surface of the uterus is more likely to cause back pain than a small fibroid within the uterine wall. Because back pain is so common, it is important to look for other causes of the pain before attributing it to fibroids.
Rectal Pressure: Fibroids also can press against the rectum and cause a sensation of rectal fullness, difficulty having a bowel movement or pain with bowel movements. Sometimes, fibroids can lead to the development of a hemorrhoid.
Discomfort or Pain with Sexual Intercourse: Fibroids can make sexual intercourse painful or uncomfortable. The pain may occur only in specific positions or during certain times of the menstrual cycle. Discomfort during intercourse is a significant issue. If your doctor doesn't ask you about this symptom, make sure you mention it.
Diagnosis for Fibroid
In most cases, the symptoms of fibroids are rarely felt and the patient does not know she has them. They are usually discovered during a vaginal examination. The following are the tests conducted for the diagnosis of fibroids.
Ultrasound: The doctor thinks fibroids may be present; he/she may use an ultrasound scan to find out. Ultrasound can also eliminate other possible conditions which may have similar symptoms. Ultrasound scans are often used when the patient has heavy periods and blood tests have revealed nothing conclusive.
Trans-vaginal scan: A small scanner is inserted into the patient's vagina so that the uterus can be viewed close up.
Hysteroscopy: This is a small telescope that examines the inside of the uterus. During this procedure, if necessary, a biopsy can be taken of the lining of the uterus (womb).
Laparoscopy: A laparoscope is a small device that looks at the outside of the uterus - where the doctor examines its size and shape. A laparoscope is a small flexible tube. During this procedure, if necessary, a biopsy can be taken of the outer layer of the uterus.
Biopsy: A small sample of the lining of the uterus is taken and then examined under a microscope.
Preparing for Fibroid Surgery
Your doctor/health practitioner should check whether you are pregnant, before he/she gives any treatment for fibroids. The fact that you have fibroids does not mean you are infertile; many women have had successful pregnancies with fibroids in their womb. Sometimes they are only diagnosed on for the first time during an ultrasound during pregnancy.  Surgery, of any kind, can cause a disruption of the normal functioning of the body's systems. The following measures should promote general good health, thereby helping the body to be in the best shape possible for surgery.  When planning for surgery, whether or not it requires a stay in the hospital, several steps can be taken to prepare both you and those around you for what is to come. Preparation can summed up in the following ways:
Doing things to promote health and eliminate unhealthy habits, such as cigarette smoking, recreational use of drugs, or excessive drinking of alcoholic beverages.
Providing your doctor with a full personal and family health history,
Deciding whether or not to donate some of your own blood for use during surgery,
Preparing your home to be as convenient as possible for your recovery,
Having some laboratory tests done, and
Doing some immediate preparation before surgery
Eat a well balanced diet, which includes plenty of fresh foods and vitamins and minerals. Vitamin C, in particular, is thought to play an important role in healing.
Provide the Doctor with information about all prescription and over-the-counter medications you have recently taken or are currently taking.
Ask friends or family to help out when you get home from the hospital. Check with your doctor about what you should or shouldn't eat before surgery
Some people choose to donate some of their own blood before surgery, which can be used to replace any blood lost during the procedure
Fibroid Surgery Procedures
When medications have not worked, the patient may have to undergo surgery. The following surgical procedures may be considered:
Hysterectomy: Hysterectomy is the surgical removal of the uterus (and usually of the cervix as well). It is the most common treatment for fibroids. Three out of every 10 hysterectomies in the United States are performed because of fibroids. Currently, hysterectomy is the only permanent cure for fibroids. However, a woman cannot become pregnant or carry a baby after having a hysterectomy. Hysterectomy is often considered when the uterus reaches the size it would be at 12 weeks of pregnancy. In the past, many doctors recommended a hysterectomy because they feared that such large fibroids could hide the presence of cancer of the uterus. A hysterectomy is usually performed through an incision in the abdomen. Sometimes the ovaries are removed in addition to the uterus and cervix. The decision to remove the ovaries depends on the woman's age and on whether the ovaries are diseased. Sometimes, for smaller fibroids, the uterus can be removed through the vagina. This is known as a vaginal hysterectomy. After a vaginal hysterectomy, the only stitches are inside the vagina. The body absorbs the stitches in four to six weeks.
Myomectomy: Myomectomy is the removal of fibroids without removing the uterus. This operation preserves a woman's ability to bear children. However, a successful pregnancy is not guaranteed. Only 4 or 5 out of 10 women become pregnant and give birth after a myomectomy. Heavy bleeding can occur when the fibroids are removed. A woman is more likely to need a blood transfusion after a myomectomy than after a hysterectomy. She is also at higher risk for problems such as infection and blood clots in the legs. Fibroids may grow back after a myomectomy, and another operation may be needed later to remove them. The risk of re-growth is related to the number, not the size, of fibroids removed. If more than three fibroids are removed, the risk of re-growth is about 50-50. Like a hysterectomy, a myomectomy is usually performed through an incision in the abdomen. The risks and recovery time are about the same as for a hysterectomy. Sometimes a myomectomy can be performed with the assistance of a laparoscope or hysteroscope.
UFE (Uterine Fibroid Embolization): Uterine fibroid embolization (UFE) is a minimally invasive treatment for fibroid tumors of the uterus. The procedure is also sometimes referred to as Uterine Artery Embolization (UAE), but this term is less specific and, as will be discussed below; UAE is used for conditions other than fibroids. Fibroid tumors, also known as myomas, are benign tumors that arise from the muscular wall of the uterus.  It is extremely rare for them to turn cancerous. More commonly, they cause heavy menstrual bleeding, pain in the pelvic region, and pressure on the bladder or bowel. In a UFE procedure, physicians use an x-ray camera called a fluoroscope to guide the delivery of small particles to the uterus and fibroids. The small particles are injected through a thin, flexible tube called a catheter. These block the arteries that provide blood flow, causing the fibroids to shrink. Nearly 90 percent of women with fibroids experience relief of their symptoms. Because the effect of uterine fibroid embolization on fertility is not fully understood, UFE is typically offered to women who no longer wish to become pregnant or who want or need to avoid having a hysterectomy, which is the operation to remove the uterus.
Endometrial Ablation: This involves removing the lining of the uterus. This procedure may be used if the patient's fibroids are near the inner surface of the uterus. This procedure is considered as an effective alternative to a hysterectomy. The entire lining of the uterus (the endometrium) is removed or destroyed. The standard endometrial ablation and resection techniques are equally effective in reducing bleeding. In general, either one reduces bleeding by about half. At least 90% of women find either procedure acceptable and about three-quarters are totally or generally satisfied with the treatment. Only about 15% of women require a hysterectomy later on. Since no procedure has any particular advantage, a woman's best option may be to select the procedure based on their surgeon's skill and experience with it.
Magnetic Resonance Guided Percutaneous Laser Ablation - An MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scan is used to locate the fibroids. Then very fine needles are inserted through the patient's skin and pushed until they reach the targeted fibroids. A fiber-optic cable is inserted through the needles. A laser light goes through the fiber-optic cable, hits the fibroids and shrinks them.
Magnetic Resonance Guided Focused Ultrasound Surgery:  Is an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scan locates the fibroids, and then sound waves are aimed at them. This procedure also shrinks the fibroids. Most experts say Magnetic-resonance-guided percutaneous laser ablation and Magnetic-resonance-guided focused ultrasound surgery are both effective - however, there is some uncertainty regarding their benefits vs. risks.
Post Operative Care after Fibroid Surgery
Full recover will take about 2-4 weeks. When you return home, do the following to help ensure a smooth recovery:
Be sure to follow your doctor's instructions.
Wear sanitary pads or napkins to absorb blood. The first menstruation after the procedure may be heavier than normal.
Try to walk often. This will decrease the risk of blood clots.
Take medicines as prescribed by your doctor. If you had to stop medicines before the procedure, ask your doctor when you can start again.
Bathe or shower as normal. Gently wash the incision area with mild soap.
Ask your doctor when you will be able to:
Return to work and drive
Resume sexual activity
Resume strenuous activity (You may need to wait 2-6 weeks.)
Recovering after Fibroid Surgery
The recovery from fibroid removal may require a hospital inpatient stay of a few days and recovery can take several weeks. The following are the recovery for Hysterectomy and Myomectomy  
Recovery from Hysterectomy: An abdominal hysterectomy involves a large incision and has a recovery time of 4 to 6 weeks. Laparoscopic and vaginal hysterectomies utilize small incisions reducing recovery time to 3 to 4 weeks. All hysterectomies require 2 to 3 day hospital stays, painkillers, potentially a catheter to assist with the passage for urine, and moving around to prevent blood clots.
Recovery from Myomectomy: Recovery time after a single, large incision myomectomy lasts about 4 to 6 weeks. Laparoscopic and vaginal myomectomies have shorter recovery times of 1 to 3 weeks. All mymectomies require 2 to 3 day hospital stays, painkillers, and moving around as quickly as possible to prevent blood clots.
Advance Treatment Options for Fibroid Surgery
The following are newer treatment options for Fibroid Surgery:
Embolization: This procedure shrinks fibroids by cutting off their blood supply. Guided by an X-ray image, the doctor threads a small catheter (a thin flexible tube) through a tiny incision in the groin into the main arteries that supply blood to the uterus. He or she then injects particles of inert plastic through the catheter to block these blood vessels. The uterus itself is not damaged because smaller arteries continue to supply the nutrients and oxygen it needs. The procedure takes about an hour. It may be performed with local or general anesthesia. The woman must lie flat on her back for six hours afterward to stop bleeding from the incision in the groin. Cramps in the pelvis are common, and the doctor usually prescribes a pain medication for them.
Laparoscopic Surgery: Some procedures can be performed using a laparoscope, a pencil-thin surgical telescope similar to a hysteroscope. The surgeon inserts the laparoscope and tiny surgical instruments through one or more small incision in the abdomen. If the fibroids are small and easy to reach, the surgeon makes an incision in the uterus and removes them. This is called a laparoscopic myomectomy. It may require an overnight hospital stay. When the fibroids are larger or harder to reach, the surgeon may use a laser or an electric needle to destroy or shrink them. This procedure is known as laparoscopic myolysis. Women who have this procedure done can often go home the same day.
Hysteroscopic Resection: This procedure uses a hysteroscope, a thin telescope that is inserted through the cervix. It enables the surgeon to see inside the uterus. The surgeon may then remove the fibroids with a laser or an electrical knife, wire, or probe. No incision is made. The procedure may be done with local or general anesthesia. The woman may stay overnight in the hospital or be treated as an outpatient. Full recovery takes a week or two.
Fibroid Surgery in India
India has emerged as an option abroad for Fibroid Surgery and other medical treatments for the international patients looking for low cost solutions with high quality service. Surgeons performing Fibroid Surgery in India treat with best medical facilities and provide highest successful results to these patients.
India finds the infrastructure and technology at par with that in USA, UK and Europe. Fibroid Surgery is one the common treatments for global patients coming to India. The good facilities provided in India are certainly beneficial but also the skyrocketing medical costs and long waiting lists to get treated by the specialists in the western countries are helping Indian medical tourism industry.
India has highly trained doctors to appeal to the medical tourists with a large pool of professionally qualified doctors, nurses and paramedics. The world-class facilities and infrastructure is further supported by low cost airfare and other facilities related to their stay in India in the following cities:
Cost of Fibroid surgery in India
The cost of surgery less when it is compared with the other western countries, it is relatively cheap because that is the way the international economy runs. A cost comparison of various medical treatments can give you the exact idea about the difference:
Medical   Treatment
Procedure Cost (US$)
United States
Uterine Artery Embolization


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  3. I am bold enough among many others to state that there is now a potent cure to this sickness but many are unaware of it. I discovered that I was infected with the virus 3 months ago, after a medical check-up. My doctor told me and I was shocked, confused and felt like my world has crumbled. I was dying slowly due to the announcement of my medical practitioner but he assured me that I could leave a normal life if I took my medications (as there was no medically known cure to Herpes). I went from churches to churches but soon found that my case needed urgent attention as I was growing lean due to fear of dying anytime soon. In a bid to look for a lasting solution to my predicament, I sought for solutions from the herbal world. I went online and searched for every powerful trado-medical practitioner that I could severe, cos I heard that the African Herbs had a cure to the Herpes syndrome. It was after a little time searching the web that I came across one Dr Itua(A powerful African Herbal Doctor), who offered to help me at a monetary fee. I had to comply as this was my final bus-stop to receiving a perfect healing. My last resolve was to take my life by myself, should this plan fail. At last it worked out well. He gave me some steps to follow and I meticulously carried out all his instructions. Last month, to be precise, I went back to the hospital to conduct another test and to my amazement, the results showed that negative,Dr Itua Can As Well Cure The Following Desease…Cancer,Hiv,Herpes, Hepatitis B,Liver Inflammatory,Diabetis,Fribroid,Get Your Ex Back, You can free yourself of this Herpes virus by consulting this great African Herbal Doctor via this e-mail: drituaherbalcenter@gmail.com or call and whatsapp him on +2348149277967 He will help you and his herb medication is sure. he has the cure on all disease .

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    I can’t believe this. A great testimony that i must share to all fibroid patient in the world. i never believed that their could be any complete cure for fibroid with out going for surgery ,i saw people’s testimony on blog sites and Facebook page of how Dr Williams prepare herbal cure for different king of disease,and with the help of his herb they where able to shrink there fibroid naturally. i had to try it too and you can,t believe that in just few weeks i started using it all my pains stop gradually . Right now i want to tell you all that i just give birth to a baby boy last month,and on thin now i have not had any pain, and i have just went for text last week and the doctor confirmed that there is no trace of any fibroid in my system . Glory be to God for leading me to this great Dr Williams I am so happy as i am sharing this testimony. My advice to you all who thinks that their is no herbal cure for fibroid that is Not true ,just contact him and get cure from his email drwilliams098675@gmail.com and you will be free and free forever, Try it and you will not regret it because it truly works. i hope to see your testimony soon.


  8. I was in trouble when my doctor told me that i have been diagnosed with
    herpes and i know my family will face a serious problem . when i am gone i
    lost hope and wept most of the time, but one day i was surfing the internet
    i saw Dr. omohan herbal home contact number online i called him and he
    guided me. i asked him for solutions and he started the remedy for my
    health thank God,now everything is fine i am cured by Dr. omohan herbal
    medicine am very thankful to Dr. omohan and very happy with my hobby and
    family email him on (dromohanherbalmedicine@gmail.com) call/whatsapp number +2348164816038

    He can as well cure the following disease;

    HSV1, &
    Hepatitis B,


  10. I am excited to share this testimony, I was 3 years ago diagnosed of fibroid and complicated Endometriosis. My medical condition was heart broken because it was causing my menstrual cramps,bloating before menstrual periods,lower abdominal pressure which result to heavy periods. I was subjected to different medications by my doctor for treatment . Despite my visit to several doctors my health wasn't getting better, all they could say was surgery. At the verge of giving up, I went to the internet to search for a treatment at least. But I found a cure instead. In the internet, I read a testimony of a lady who had Fibroid. She shared an e-mail address of the Doctor. Luckily everything seemed to be okay after I took the Herbal Medicine. I wish I could say that’s the end of it because I haven't had any symptoms since then.
    Do not expose yourself to more danger, use a herbal remedy that is safe and effective. If interested contact him via email address droriane6@gmail.com.

    Is my pleasure to comment on this site and i thank the admin of this site for his/her great work so far.one of the happiest moment in life is when you see your own wife put to bed.this awesome moments makes you a man, I really don't know how to thank DR oriane for helping my wife get cured for over how many year of suffering from FIBROID. i came across DR oriane contact through a headline news on internet about how DR oriane help a woman to get cured of his fibroid and so many other with similar body problem ,i contacted him and he told me how to get his herb,few day later he sent me the herbal portion which my wife take every morning for 21 days, and his medicine was able to shrike the fibroid naturally,and now my wife is 4months old pregnant for our second child, and now she very okay without any side effects whatsoever, If you have fibroid, you can contact him on his email address droriane6@gmail.com or call,add on whatsapp +2349031652461 for advice and for his product.

  12. thanks to Dr oriane, who cured me of Fallopian tube blockage and fibroid. i married for over 5 years without a child of my own. because of the problem with my Fallopian tube and fibroid, until i came in contact with Dr oriane testimony and recommendations online, on how he has cured and healed so many people of the same problem and i decided to contact him,and explain my situation to him,few days later he sent me some herbal portion which i took for 31 days, and i became pregnant after taking dr oriane herbal medicine in three months time. in case you want to reach him for a similar problem, you can contact him on his email: droriane6@gmail.com for advice and for his product or via whats app at +2349031652461

  13. i have been trying to get pregnant for over 5 years now. My husband and I
    have been seeing a fertility specialist. We have done our best but no luck.
    My husband has a sperm count which goes up and down,the doctor has
    recommended him taking the Proceed supplement which he is doing over 3
    years with no change in the situation .. I was so confused until i
    contacted this powerful spell caster Dr. Ebhota online who I saw a number
    of testimonies of how he has help so many of people so I sent Dr. Ebhota a
    mail and I told him all my sorrows and pain he replied me and ask me not to
    cry any more that he will help, he sent me some instructions and caution,
    Dr. Ebhota cast the spell and I bought some items to complete the spell
    casting and he told me to meet with my husband.. Within 3weeks of doing
    this I felt some changes and I went to my doctor and it was confirm that I
    was pregnant,i promises Dr Ebhota to share his testimony for three years,it has been over a year and four months now,i have been testifying this great testimonies for my life and my husband,for any one how need his help herb potion should contact him,on his Email [ drebhota123456@gmail.com ] or call him on [ +2349035324155 ]

  14. I felt so awful when I was diagnosed with fibroid . I felt like my life was ruined since surgery was the only solution. Upon all of my constant research, I stumbled upon Dr Williams blog and articles of his good work that have been published. YOU ARE AMAZING. You have given me hope. This fibroid have cause me so mush pain that my life was deteriorating.Dr Williams You are so courageous and I don’t know if I’ve ever looked up to someone so much. Being famous for writing is my dream and I also have always wanted to make a difference in the world somehow. You are doing both and I think its the deepest thing ever. The world needs people like you to end the fibroid stigma. Never stop being you and thank you for being a voice for us all,you can also email him on drwilliams098675@gmail.com for his product.

  15. Its a pleasure for me to write this testimony about this wonderful thing
    that happened to me last week on how i got my HIV aids cured, i have been
    reading so-many post of some people who were cured of HIV, but i never
    believed them, I was hurt and depressed so I was too curious and wanted to
    try dr.idedia then i contacted him on his email on
    dr.idediatraditionalhealinghome@gmail.com when i contact him, he assured me 100% that he will heal me, i pleaded with him to help me out, its a great success that he healed just as he promised, he
    told me that in three days time that i should go and check on my HIV
    status, I was floored that when i went to the hospital to check of my
    status that i was HIV negative, i never thought possible that dr. idedia
    can do miracles, i never really believed in magic but I played along with a
    little hope and faith and after everything but dr Idedia changed my
    life and made me a true believer you can contact him on
    dr.idediatraditionalhealinghome@gmail.com or whattsapp Number: +2349074505296
    so he can help you out. he said that he is also specialize on the following diseases: HERPES, HIV, ALS, HPV, DIABETES, HEPATITIS B, CANCER,SICKLE CELL, VIRGINAL DRYNESS, And Bring Back Yours Ex back.

  16. I am Chirag, from Orlando u s a, my wife was diagnosed with fibroid for 6 years, she lived in pain with the knowledge that she wasn't going to ever be well again without surgery, i contacted so many doctors on this issue,and she have use so many western drugs prescribe by various doctors and all was no avail, because she was determined to get her life back, one day i was researching information about fibroid on internet and i saw a post about Mrs Kate thanking Dr Williams who cure different manners of diseases, including fibroid, I contacted him via email and made purchase of the fibroid herb, i received the herb through DHL within 3 days, when i received the herb my wife applied it as prescribed and she was totally cured of fibroid within 4 weeks of usages,and on thin now she have never experience any symptoms of fibroid again,few days later she went back to see her doctor and he confirmed she was completely cured from fibroid, am so happy now, You do not have to suffer more just contact him for his medicine on drwilliams098675@gmail.com he will definitely put an end to that fibroid problem of yours.

  17. I felt so awful when I was diagnosed with fibroid . I felt like my life was ruined since surgery was the only solution. Upon all of my constant research, I stumbled upon Dr Williams blog and articles of his good work that have been published. YOU ARE AMAZING. You have given me hope. This fibroid have cause me so mush pain that my life was deteriorating.Dr Williams You are so courageous and I don’t know if I’ve ever looked up to someone so much. Being famous for writing is my dream and I also have always wanted to make a difference in the world somehow. You are doing both and I think its the deepest thing ever. The world needs people like you to end the fibroid stigma. Never stop being you and thank you for being a voice for us all,you can also email him on drwilliams098675@gmail.com for his product.

  18. Thank you for such a well written article. It’s full of insightful information and entertaining descriptions.
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  19. I felt so awful when I was diagnosed with fibroid . I felt like my life was ruined since surgery was the only solution. Upon all of my constant research, I stumbled upon Dr Williams blog and articles of his good work that have been published. YOU ARE AMAZING. You have given me hope. This fibroid have cause me so mush pain that my life was deteriorating.Dr Williams You are so courageous and I don’t know if I’ve ever looked up to someone so much. Being famous for writing is my dream and I also have always wanted to make a difference in the world somehow. You are doing both and I think its the deepest thing ever. The world needs people like you to end the fibroid stigma. Never stop being you and thank you for being a voice for us all,you can also email him on drwilliams098675@gmail.com for his product.

  20. i was 3 years ago diagnosed of fibroid and complicated Endometriosis. My medical condition was heart broken because it was causing my menstrual cramps,bloating before menstrual periods,lower abdominal pressure which result to heavy periods. I was subjected to different medications by my doctor for treatment such as Coenzyme Q10,ibuprofen, Danazol and many more. Despite my visit to several doctors my health wasn't getting better, all they could say was surgery. At the verge of giving up, I went to the internet to search for a treatment at least. But I found a cure instead. In the internet, I read a testimony of a lady who had Fibroid. She shared an e-mail address of the Doctor. Luckily everything seemed to be okay after I took the Herbal Medicine. I wish I could say that’s the end of it because I haven't had any symptoms since then.
    Do not expose yourself to more danger, use a herbal remedy that is safe and effective. If interested contact him via email address: Drgodstimehealinghome@gmail.com or WhatsApp +2349063469910

  21. Never give up in life they all say no cure to HSV 2 which is a big lie I have pass through many process also i never believe there is really cure to HERPES until I meet Dr.Ehiaguna the doctor that have been helping many people for many years, I come across this doctor online when I was searching for cure online I found out about this man, and to my greatest surprise this man have the herbal medicine which I have been looking for years I explain my problem to him through the email I found on someone who testify about him also, Dr.Ehiaguna write me a reply and explain how the process work so after ordering for the medicine I got it within 4 days and I took it according to the way Dr.Ehiaguna instructed, I was so happy after two week I took the medicine there was very big change in my health when I was done with the process I go for test, I found out I am negative that was the day I have the tears of joy you can also get in contact with my doctor through his email now drehiaguna@gmail.com or you can also WhatsApp him +2348073908953. And He also have herbs medicine to cured the following diseases; eczema,urethra wart,chronic problems.Herpes, Cancer, Als,Hepatitis, Diabetes, HPV,Infections,ulcer  ETC

  22. Never give up in life they all say no cure to HSV 2 which is a big lie I have pass through many process also i never believe there is really cure to HERPES until I meet Dr.Ehiaguna the doctor that have been helping many people for many years, I come across this doctor online when I was searching for cure online I found out about this man, and to my greatest surprise this man have the herbal medicine which I have been looking for years I explain my problem to him through the email I found on someone who testify about him also, Dr.Ehiaguna write me a reply and explain how the process work so after ordering for the medicine I got it within 4 days and I took it according to the way Dr.Ehiaguna instructed, I was so happy after two week I took the medicine there was very big change in my health when I was done with the process I go for test, I found out I am negative that was the day I have the tears of joy you can also get in contact with my doctor through his email now drehiaguna@gmail.com or you can also WhatsApp him +2348073908953. And He also have herbs medicine to cured the following diseases; eczema,urethra wart,chronic problems.Herpes, Cancer, Als,Hepatitis, Diabetes, HPV,Infections,ulcer  ETC

  23. Thankes to Dr OSAZE, who cured me of fallopian tube blockage and fibroid. i married for over eight years wthout a child of my own. because of the problem with my fallopian tubbe and fibroid, until i came in conntact with Dr OSAZE's testimony and recommendations online, on how he has cured and healed so many people of the same illment, and i decided to contact him, and he administered his medicatons on me, and i became pregnant in two monnths. incasse you wannt to reach him for a similar problem, you can call or whatsap him on +2347089275769 or email: DROSAZEHERBAL@GMAIL.COM

  24. Thankes to Dr OSAZE, who cured me of fallopian tube blockage and fibroid. i married for over eight years wthout a child of my own. because of the problem with my fallopian tubbe and fibroid, until i came in conntact with Dr OSAZE's testimony and recommendations online, on how he has cured and healed so many people of the same illment, and i decided to contact him, and he administered his medicatons on me, and i became pregnant in two monnths. incasse you wannt to reach him for a similar problem, you can call or whatsap him on +2347089275769 or email: DROSAZEHERBAL@GMAIL.COM

  25. I've been barren for so many years living without a child of mine. When I came in contact with Doctor Aluda and reach out to him, I actually make use of his herbal medicine. and it's indeed effective and powerful... I conceived few weeks after taking his natural herbs for 1 month as prescribed by him... And now I'm 3 weeks pregnant....so happy, you can search him on YouTube and view his channel for more information or write him on whatsapp +2348145636867..God bless us all...

  26. Thanks for sharing this informative post with us. Dr. Gaurav Goel is one of the best Throat Cancer Doctor in Jaipur. Book an appointment and Consult your cancer problem

  27. When the patient is suffering from any of the following conditions Chronic pelvic pain, Endometriosis, Pelvic inflammatory disease, Infertility, Removal of fibroids, uterus, lymph nodes, ovarian cysts and Ectopic pregnancy specialist at the World of Urology provide a laparoscopic surgery to remove uterus The procedure can be carried out without risk, with little blood loss, and with a quick recovery.

  28. Numerous illnesses that arise inside the abdomen or pelvis can be diagnosed via laparoscopy. Laparoscopic Surgery to Remove Uterus You can speak with us at World of Urology if you have chosen to undergo laparoscopic surgery to remove uterus.

  29. As a Gynaecologist in Ludhiana, I appreciate the detail and clarity provided in this article. It's important for women to have access to accurate information about their health and this article does an excellent job of that. Keep up the great work

  30. If you have any of the following conditions pelvic fibroids, cancer of the cervix, ovaries, or uterus Endometriosis and persistent pelvic pain doctors of the World of Urology might recommend that you have a laparoscopic surgery Laparoscopic Surgery to Remove Uterus An expert team of urologists here provide top quality coordinated care under one roof.

  31. Great post on Fibroid Tumor of Uterus! As a Best Gynae Doctor in Ludhiana, I appreciate the in-depth explanation of the condition and the treatment options available.

  32. World of Urology is a collection of the 10 Best Urologists in Bangalore who are Certified Laparoscopic Surgery to Remove Uterus Well-Trained, and Committed to offering 360-degree URO surgery and kidney transplant care. It is among the best urology clinic in bangalore.

  33. The laparoscopic procedure is a quicker recovery that offers improved patient outcomes. Laparoscopic Surgery to Remove Uterus This minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery to remove uterus is World of Urology's area of expertise, and they offer top-notch patient care.

  34. Powerful Herbal treatment is 100% guaranteed for HSV cure, the reason why most people are finding it difficult to cure HSV 1 or 2 is because they believe in medical reports, drugs and medical treatments which are not helpful to cure HSV and haven't proved any sign of helping. Natural roots/herbs are the best remedy which can easily eradicate herpes forever. I never believed it until I was helped and cured of my 16 months genital herpes with natural herbal medicines from Dr AKHIGBE. Where other medical prescribed drugs and treatments failed, Dr AKHIGBE natural herbs helped save me from Genital herpes permanently and I’m so grateful for this. You can also get help from this great and powerful African Herbalist Dr AKHIGBE by reaching hiS email Drakhigbeherbalhome5@gmail.com or WhatsApp +2349021374574, he also cure DIABETES, ALS, HPV, FIBROID, HIV, and HEPATITIS A,B,C.

  35. Experience the expertise of the top urologist in bangalore at world of urology. Renowned for exceptional care, our urologist prioritizes your well-being with advanced treatments. Count on us for personalized healthcare solutions.

  36. Informative read on fibroid center tumors of the uterus! Understanding the symptoms and treatment options is crucial for many. It's great that the blog sheds light on this common issue and provides valuable insights. Knowledge is power when it comes to our health. Thanks for sharing this important information! #UterineFibroids #HealthAwareness

  37. World of Urology offers expert-led uterus removal surgery in Bangalore, employing cutting-edge techniques for optimal patient care. uterus removal surgery in bangalore Our skilled team ensures a seamless procedure, prioritizing patient comfort and recovery.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. Laparoscopic surgery to remove the uterus is a routine procedure performed globally by gynaecologists and urogynecologists. At World of Urology, our experienced urologists utilize the Da Vinci robot for precise gynaecological surgerieslaparoscopic surgery to remove uterus Patients undergoing this minimally invasive procedure often benefit from lower pain levels, reduced blood loss, lower infection risks

  40. You can visit Bangalore's World of Urology if you'd like to have a laparoscopic surgery to remove uterus. We are a leading healthcare team that treats both male and female patientslaparoscopic surgery to remove uterus every patient will have every chance to receive the best care possible. Our state-of-the-art clinic's medical facilities and infrastructure satisfy worldwide standards for competence and security

  41. World of Urology offers advanced uterus removal surgery in bangalore ensuring expert care and precise procedures. Our skilled urologists employ cutting-edge techniques for safe and effective treatmentuterus removal surgery in bangaloreWith a focus on patient well-being, we provide comprehensive support throughout the process, delivering optimal results and enhanced quality of life

  42. our observations on the symptoms and likely causes were eye-opening. I like how you deciphered the language and provided real-world meaning for each component. It's wonderful to come across a site that doesn't make me feel like I need a medical degree just to understand the essentials. The way you combine professionalism with relatability is extremely admirable.
    I noticed your blog when researching calcified uterine fibroids It's an amazing site, and I wanted to thank you for giving such helpful information. "Thank you!

  43. World of Urology is known for its surgical procedures, especially minimally invasive surgery, also known as laparoscopic surgery to remove uterus. It has revolutionized the field of gynecology, offering safer, more efficient, and less invasive alternatives to traditional open surgeries. laparoscopic surgery to remove uterus Laparoscopic hysterectomy is a surgical procedure used to remove the uterus and, in some cases, other reproductive organs such as the ovaries and fallopian tubes.

  44. Laparoscopic surgery to remove the uterus, also known as laparoscopic hysterectomy, is a minimally invasive procedure that offers quicker recovery, reduced pain, and minimal scarring compared to traditional surgery. laparoscopic surgery to remove uterus Performed by the expert surgeons at World of Urology, this technique involves small incisions through which specialized instruments are used to remove the uterus. Patients experience shorter hospital stays and a faster return to normal activities, making it an advanced option for those requiring hysterectomy.

  45. The decision to have a hysterectomy is a significant one so you must consult the best specialists in the Wolrd of Urology who has vast experience to perform successful Hysterectomy or uterus removal surgery in bangaloreuterus removal surgery in bangalore All of our doctors are certified and well-trained that are offering the best quality and 360-degree URO surgical and kidney transplant care. Explore our website

  46. Laparoscopic surgery to remove uterus, also known as a laparoscopic hysterectomy, is a minimally invasive procedure that offers faster recovery, less pain, and minimal scarring compared to traditional open surgery. laparoscopic surgery to remove uterus During the procedure, small incisions are made in the abdomen, and a laparoscope is used to guide the surgeon in removing the uterus. This technique allows for a more precise operation with reduced hospital stay and quicker return to daily activities. At World of Urology, our experts ensure safe and effective laparoscopic hysterectomy treatments.

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  48. World of Urology offers expert-led uterus removal surgery in Bangalore, employing cutting-edge techniques for optimal patient careeuterus removal surgery in bangalore Our skilled team ensures a seamless procedure, prioritizing patient comfort and recovery. Trust us for advanced and compassionate urological care

  49. World of Urology offers expert-led uterus removal surgery in Bangalore, employing cutting-edge techniques for optimal patient care. Our skilled team ensures a seamless procedureuterus removal surgery in bangaloreTrust us for advanced and compassionate urological care, delivering excellence in Bangalore's healthcare landscape

  50. Looking for expert care for uterus removal surgery in Bangalore? At World of Urology, our skilled surgeons specialize in advanced laparoscopic and minimally invasive proceduresuterus removal surgery in bangaloreExperience personalized care, state-of-the-art technology, and comprehensive post-surgery support. Trust us for safe and effective solutions tailored to your health needs

  51. Looking for expert care for uterus removal surgery in Bangalore? World of Urology offers advanced laparoscopic and minimally invasive procedures performed by skilled specialistsuterus removal surgery in bangalore faster recovery, and state-of-the-art technology. Trust us for personalized treatment and improved quality of life. Book your consultation today

  52. Looking for uterus removal surgery in Bangalore? At World of Urology, our expert surgeons specialize in safe and advanced laparoscopic hysterectomyuterus removal surgery in bangalore conditions. We ensure minimal pain, faster recovery, and top-notch patient care. Trust us for expert treatment
