Saturday, September 2, 2017

Problems in pain management -Dr.M A.Aleem Neurologist ABC Hospital Trichy Tamilnadu India

Problems in pain management.
-Dr.M A.Aleem
ABC Hospital

In recent years the vulnerable population who need pain management in all age group in both sex including in transgenders are in raise. 

It need management for physiological , pathological  , psychogenic,  torture related, self induced, religious related, and misconceptions resulted  pain .

Acute and chronic treatment for pain in inexperienced hand can ends in many complications including habituation  addiction  and drug abuse. 

It can also encourage drug trafficking,  over the counter sales of pain management agents. 

It can even directly or indirectly encourage pharmaceutical companies unethical businesses of pain killing drugs  .

So a proper guidelines are required for pain pharmacotherapy to avoid their misuse in all including the vulnerable population.