Monday, October 21, 2013
Sunday, October 20, 2013

Marathon to create awareness on non-communicable diseases held
Oct 21, 2013, 02.43AM IST TNN
TRICHY: In an attempt to increase the awareness among people on non-communicable diseases (NCD), a mini-marathon was organised by the KAPV Government Medical College along with its students and medical fraternity.
People from all age groups including doctors participated in the mini-marathon that was flagged off by Dr M A Aleem, vice-principal and neurologist at the medical college. The mini-marathon that began from the medical college went through Aristo Roundabout, Central Bus Stand, Vestry School, collector's office and reached the medical college. Over 500 people took part in the run that started on Sunday morning. Prizes were also distributed to the winners. Talking to TOI while flagging off the marathon, Dr MA Aleem, said NCDs such as cardiac diseases, cancer, kidney and hyper-tension are on the rise these days. Due to the change in lifestyle, the food habits and the lack of exercise are making them prone to such kind of diseases. Hence, people must be made aware about them, he added. Meanwhile, breast cancer awareness was also conducted in the city by the Vishwanathan Speciality hospital at three locations. The breast cancer association, along with the private hospital conducted the awareness run, which was flagged off by the collector and the director general of police Amalraj. The awareness run ended at Anna Stadium.

Marathon to create awareness on non-communicable diseases held
Oct 21, 2013, 02.43AM IST TNN
TRICHY: In an attempt to increase the awareness among people on non-communicable diseases (NCD), a mini-marathon was organised by the KAPV Government Medical College along with its students and medical fraternity.
People from all age groups including doctors participated in the mini-marathon that was flagged off by Dr M A Aleem, vice-principal and neurologist at the medical college. The mini-marathon that began from the medical college went through Aristo Roundabout, Central Bus Stand, Vestry School, collector's office and reached the medical college. Over 500 people took part in the run that started on Sunday morning. Prizes were also distributed to the winners. Talking to TOI while flagging off the marathon, Dr MA Aleem, said NCDs such as cardiac diseases, cancer, kidney and hyper-tension are on the rise these days. Due to the change in lifestyle, the food habits and the lack of exercise are making them prone to such kind of diseases. Hence, people must be made aware about them, he added. Meanwhile, breast cancer awareness was also conducted in the city by the Vishwanathan Speciality hospital at three locations. The breast cancer association, along with the private hospital conducted the awareness run, which was flagged off by the collector and the director general of police Amalraj. The awareness run ended at Anna Stadium.
Saturday, October 19, 2013
when and how to do sex after Heart Attack
Heart Attack and sex
A heart attack isa dreadful experience which will make a person realize how fragile life can be and make or break the euphoria associated with living. It will affect the mental state of a person far greater than the physical compromise with the potential for recovery by significant proportion. Thus, a subdued mental state will consider many activities of daily living such as physical exertion including sex, as unhealthy.
It’s interesting to know that in research done among 17 married couples in which one of the pair had a recent heart attack; “a significant relationship was shown in the recovery of the patient with the spouse’s sexual comfort as well as marital satisfaction”.
Similarly, in a recent recommendation, The American Heart Association denounced the myths surrounding recovery after a heart attack by stating, “Many myths surround sex after heart disease and stroke. The most common one is that resuming sex often causes a heart attack, stroke or sudden death. This just isn’t true.”
Does it mean that you can have sex on the following morning after a heart attack? Probably not!
The introduction to physical exertion following a significant heart attack (MI) should be a gradual process which needs supervision and guidance by professionals. Often, following queries are made by patients on physical exertion and we will try to find answers to these queries one by one.
When to start exercising and what you should start on?
The expert recommendation is to stay put for few days before introducing yourself to mild activities such as walking. The process should be gradual and the main focus should be your comfort and as long as you are comfortable, the exercise will be safe.
How to increase the physical exertion?
The best option for a patient recovering from a heart attack is to enrol into a cardiac rehabilitation programme. The programme will lead you to a gradual build up towards an optimal level of exertion which is beneficial to the heart.
How often should it be done?
You should gradually increase your exercise sessions up to 3-4 times a week of at least 20-30 minutes duration. This amount of exertion should be reached by about 3-4 months rather than within few days or weeks.
When you should stop?
If you feel difficulty in breathing, chest pain, extreme sweating at rest, fainting or dizzy spells, leg swelling, nausea, vomiting and any other abnormality; then you should stop and refer yourself to your physician.
When can you go back to work?
A patient can get back to their normal daily work in about 3-4 months depending on the extent of the cardiac damage as well as other complications. This is best decided by your physician.
When and how should you engage in sexual activities?
Probably one of the important questions of all and one that surrounded by many myths is the sexual activity. It has been stated that the general depression following a heart attack can reduce the sexual interest and capacity in a significant manner. Therefore, love making and sexual engagement can be initiated as soon as you feel comfortable and this may be by about 3 – 4 weeks following a heart attack.
But, you should remember a few things in order to improve your comfort while engaging in sexual activities. These would be:
1. Choose the right time and a relaxed mood
2. Avoid having sex on a full stomach or soon after a hefty meal
3. Choose your most comfortable position; usually let the partner be on top to reduce your level of exertion.
4. Take medication, if prescribed, before such activities.
If these points are met, and if you look after your comfort, engaging in sexual activities would make you recover better as was mentioned at the beginning.
What changes should I do in my lifestyle to keep me active and healthy?
Engaging in exercises that feel comfortable to you, avoiding smoking, taking a healthy diet, practising relaxation methods such as deep breathing and yoga, and controlling the salt and cholesterol content in the diet are some of the lifestyle measures that you need to consider.
In conclusion, physical exertion including sex is not by any means prohibited or restricted in a patient following a heart attack as long as they stay within their comfort levels.
A heart attack isa dreadful experience which will make a person realize how fragile life can be and make or break the euphoria associated with living. It will affect the mental state of a person far greater than the physical compromise with the potential for recovery by significant proportion. Thus, a subdued mental state will consider many activities of daily living such as physical exertion including sex, as unhealthy.
It’s interesting to know that in research done among 17 married couples in which one of the pair had a recent heart attack; “a significant relationship was shown in the recovery of the patient with the spouse’s sexual comfort as well as marital satisfaction”.
Similarly, in a recent recommendation, The American Heart Association denounced the myths surrounding recovery after a heart attack by stating, “Many myths surround sex after heart disease and stroke. The most common one is that resuming sex often causes a heart attack, stroke or sudden death. This just isn’t true.”
Does it mean that you can have sex on the following morning after a heart attack? Probably not!
The introduction to physical exertion following a significant heart attack (MI) should be a gradual process which needs supervision and guidance by professionals. Often, following queries are made by patients on physical exertion and we will try to find answers to these queries one by one.
When to start exercising and what you should start on?
The expert recommendation is to stay put for few days before introducing yourself to mild activities such as walking. The process should be gradual and the main focus should be your comfort and as long as you are comfortable, the exercise will be safe.
How to increase the physical exertion?
The best option for a patient recovering from a heart attack is to enrol into a cardiac rehabilitation programme. The programme will lead you to a gradual build up towards an optimal level of exertion which is beneficial to the heart.
How often should it be done?
You should gradually increase your exercise sessions up to 3-4 times a week of at least 20-30 minutes duration. This amount of exertion should be reached by about 3-4 months rather than within few days or weeks.
When you should stop?
If you feel difficulty in breathing, chest pain, extreme sweating at rest, fainting or dizzy spells, leg swelling, nausea, vomiting and any other abnormality; then you should stop and refer yourself to your physician.
When can you go back to work?
A patient can get back to their normal daily work in about 3-4 months depending on the extent of the cardiac damage as well as other complications. This is best decided by your physician.
When and how should you engage in sexual activities?
Probably one of the important questions of all and one that surrounded by many myths is the sexual activity. It has been stated that the general depression following a heart attack can reduce the sexual interest and capacity in a significant manner. Therefore, love making and sexual engagement can be initiated as soon as you feel comfortable and this may be by about 3 – 4 weeks following a heart attack.
But, you should remember a few things in order to improve your comfort while engaging in sexual activities. These would be:
1. Choose the right time and a relaxed mood
2. Avoid having sex on a full stomach or soon after a hefty meal
3. Choose your most comfortable position; usually let the partner be on top to reduce your level of exertion.
4. Take medication, if prescribed, before such activities.
If these points are met, and if you look after your comfort, engaging in sexual activities would make you recover better as was mentioned at the beginning.
What changes should I do in my lifestyle to keep me active and healthy?
Engaging in exercises that feel comfortable to you, avoiding smoking, taking a healthy diet, practising relaxation methods such as deep breathing and yoga, and controlling the salt and cholesterol content in the diet are some of the lifestyle measures that you need to consider.
In conclusion, physical exertion including sex is not by any means prohibited or restricted in a patient following a heart attack as long as they stay within their comfort levels.
Friday, October 18, 2013
Prevent Lead Poisoning in Kids Through Paints-Lead poisoning prevention awarness week 20th to26 october 2013
Lead poisoning has devastating health consequences, in particular for children, with childhood lead exposure estimated to contribute to 600 000 new cases of children with intellectual disabilities every year. Overall, 99% of children affected by high exposure to lead live in low- and middle-income countries, says WHO on the occasion of International Lead Poisoning Prevention Week of Action, and calls on countries to strengthen national actions to eliminate lead paint.
Lead a major source of poisoning
Lead paint is a major source of potential lead poisoning for young children. It may be found in the home, on toys, furniture and on other objects. Decaying lead paint on walls, furniture and other interior surfaces creates lead-contaminated dust in the home that young children easily ingest. Mouthing lead-painted toys and other objects also exposes young children to lead. The sweet taste of lead paint means that some children even pick off and swallow small chips of paint.
“Lead poisoning remains one of the most important environmental health concerns for children globally, and lead paint is a major flashpoint for children’s potential lead poisoning. . The good news is that exposure to lead paint can be entirely stopped through a range of measures to restrict the production and use of lead paint.
It is estimated that 143 000 deaths per year result from lead poisoning and lead paint is a major contributor to this. Its use creates a health problem for many years into the future. Even in countries that have banned leaded paint decades previously, such paint continues to be a source of exposure until it is finally stripped and replaced. The cost of replacing lead paint means that people living in older, poorly-maintained housing are particularly at risk, and this disproportionately affects economically-deprived communities.
Phasing out lead in paint
WHO has identified lead as one of ten chemicals of major public health concern, and lead requires action by Member States in order to protect the health of workers, children and women of reproductive age. Such actions include adopting regulations and procedures to eliminate the use of lead decorative paints and provide information to the public on renovation of homes where lead paint may have already been applied.
Paints with extremely high levels of lead are still available in most of the developing countries where paint testing has been conducted as part of the efforts of the Global Alliance to Eliminate Lead Paint. In most of the countries with lead paint, equivalent paint with no added lead is also available, suggesting that alternatives to lead are readily available to manufacturers,.
At high levels of exposure, lead damages the brain and central nervous system to cause coma, convulsions and even death. Children who survive such poisoning are often left with intellectual impairment and behavioural disorders.
At lower levels of exposure, which cause no obvious symptoms and that previously were considered safe, lead is now known to produce a spectrum of injury across multiple body systems. In particular, lead affects brain development in children, resulting in reduced IQ, behavioural changes such as shortening of attention span and increased antisocial behaviour, and reduced educational attainment. These effects are believed to be irreversible. Adults are at increased risk of kidney disease and raised blood pressure.
International Lead Poisoning Awareness Prevention Week of Action
The International Lead Poisoning Awareness Prevention Week of Action runs from 20-26 October 2013. This year's theme – Lead-Free Kids for a Healthy Future – underscores the importance of avoiding the use of lead paint and using safe alternatives in order to prevent children coming to harm from lead poisoning.
Lead a major source of poisoning
Lead paint is a major source of potential lead poisoning for young children. It may be found in the home, on toys, furniture and on other objects. Decaying lead paint on walls, furniture and other interior surfaces creates lead-contaminated dust in the home that young children easily ingest. Mouthing lead-painted toys and other objects also exposes young children to lead. The sweet taste of lead paint means that some children even pick off and swallow small chips of paint.
“Lead poisoning remains one of the most important environmental health concerns for children globally, and lead paint is a major flashpoint for children’s potential lead poisoning. . The good news is that exposure to lead paint can be entirely stopped through a range of measures to restrict the production and use of lead paint.
It is estimated that 143 000 deaths per year result from lead poisoning and lead paint is a major contributor to this. Its use creates a health problem for many years into the future. Even in countries that have banned leaded paint decades previously, such paint continues to be a source of exposure until it is finally stripped and replaced. The cost of replacing lead paint means that people living in older, poorly-maintained housing are particularly at risk, and this disproportionately affects economically-deprived communities.
Phasing out lead in paint
WHO has identified lead as one of ten chemicals of major public health concern, and lead requires action by Member States in order to protect the health of workers, children and women of reproductive age. Such actions include adopting regulations and procedures to eliminate the use of lead decorative paints and provide information to the public on renovation of homes where lead paint may have already been applied.
Paints with extremely high levels of lead are still available in most of the developing countries where paint testing has been conducted as part of the efforts of the Global Alliance to Eliminate Lead Paint. In most of the countries with lead paint, equivalent paint with no added lead is also available, suggesting that alternatives to lead are readily available to manufacturers,.
At high levels of exposure, lead damages the brain and central nervous system to cause coma, convulsions and even death. Children who survive such poisoning are often left with intellectual impairment and behavioural disorders.
At lower levels of exposure, which cause no obvious symptoms and that previously were considered safe, lead is now known to produce a spectrum of injury across multiple body systems. In particular, lead affects brain development in children, resulting in reduced IQ, behavioural changes such as shortening of attention span and increased antisocial behaviour, and reduced educational attainment. These effects are believed to be irreversible. Adults are at increased risk of kidney disease and raised blood pressure.
International Lead Poisoning Awareness Prevention Week of Action
The International Lead Poisoning Awareness Prevention Week of Action runs from 20-26 October 2013. This year's theme – Lead-Free Kids for a Healthy Future – underscores the importance of avoiding the use of lead paint and using safe alternatives in order to prevent children coming to harm from lead poisoning.
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
திருச்சியில் எய்ட்ஸ் நோயால் பாதிக்கப்பட்டவர்களுக்கு சிகிச்சை அளிப்பதற்காக ரூ.20 லட்சத்தில் புதிய கட்டிடம்
திருச்சியில் எய்ட்ஸ் நோயால் பாதிக்கப்பட்டவர்களுக்கு சிகிச்சை அளிப்பதற்காக ரூ.20 லட்சத்தில் புதிய கட்டிடம்
திருச்சியில் எய்ட்ஸ் நோயால் பாதிக்கப்பட்டவர்களுக்கு சிகிச்சை அளிப்பதற்காக ரூ.20 லட்சத்தில் கட்டப்பட்ட புதிய கட்டிடத்தை அமைச்சர் பூனாட்சி திறந்து வைத்தார்.
எய்ட்ஸ் சிகிச்சை மையம்
எச்.ஐ.வி.யினால் பாதிக்கப்பட்டவர்களுக்கு (எய்ட்ஸ் நோயாளிகள்) ஆதரவு அளித்து சிகிச்சை அளிப்பதற்கான சிகிச்சை மையம் (ஏ.ஆர்.டி.) திருச்சி அரசு மருத்துவமனை வளாகத்தில் கடந்த 2005–ம் ஆண்டு முதல் இயங்கி வருகிறது. மேலும் எச்.ஐ.வி. தொற்று கண்டறியப்பட்டவர்களுக்கு இந்த மையத்தில் சந்தர்ப்பவாத நோய்கள் உள்ளதா என்றும் கண்டறியப்படுகிறது. தேவைப்படுபவர்களுக்கு ஏ.ஆர்.டி. கூட்டு மருந்து சிகிச்சையும் இலவசமாக அளிக்கப்படுகிறது.
ரூ.20 லட்சத்தில் கட்டிடம்
எச்.ஐ.வி. தொற்று உள்ளவர்களின் எண்ணிக்கை அதிகம் ஆன காரணத்தினால் இந்த சிகிச்சை மையத்திற்கு ரூ.20 லட்சத்தில் தொண்டு நிறுவன உதவியுடன் புதிய கட்டிடம் கட்டப்பட்டு உள்ளது. இந்த புதிய கட்டிடத்தின் திறப்பு விழா நேற்று நடைபெற்றது. விரிவாக்கம் செய்யப்பட்ட இந்த புதிய மையத்தை அமைச்சர் டி.பி.பூனாட்சி திறந்து வைத்தார்.
அரசு தலைமை கொறடா மனோகரன், மேயர் ஜெயா, எம்.எல்.ஏ.க்கள் இந்திராகாந்தி, சந்திரசேகரன், துணை மேயர் மரியம் ஆசிக், கோட்ட தலைவர்கள் சீனிவாசன், ஞானசேகர், கவுன்சிலர் சகாதேவன், ஜெ. பேரவை புறநகர் மாவட்ட செயலாளர் ராமு, கி.ஆ.பெ. விசுவநாதன் அரசு மருத்துவ கல்லூரி டீன் வள்ளிநாயகம், துணை முதல்வர் டாக்டர் அலீம், ஏ.ஆர்.டி. மைய பொறுப்பாளர் டாக்டர் ராணி உள்பட பலர் கலந்து கொண்டனர்.
திருச்சியில் எய்ட்ஸ் நோயால் பாதிக்கப்பட்டவர்களுக்கு சிகிச்சை அளிப்பதற்காக ரூ.20 லட்சத்தில் கட்டப்பட்ட புதிய கட்டிடத்தை அமைச்சர் பூனாட்சி திறந்து வைத்தார்.
எய்ட்ஸ் சிகிச்சை மையம்
எச்.ஐ.வி.யினால் பாதிக்கப்பட்டவர்களுக்கு (எய்ட்ஸ் நோயாளிகள்) ஆதரவு அளித்து சிகிச்சை அளிப்பதற்கான சிகிச்சை மையம் (ஏ.ஆர்.டி.) திருச்சி அரசு மருத்துவமனை வளாகத்தில் கடந்த 2005–ம் ஆண்டு முதல் இயங்கி வருகிறது. மேலும் எச்.ஐ.வி. தொற்று கண்டறியப்பட்டவர்களுக்கு இந்த மையத்தில் சந்தர்ப்பவாத நோய்கள் உள்ளதா என்றும் கண்டறியப்படுகிறது. தேவைப்படுபவர்களுக்கு ஏ.ஆர்.டி. கூட்டு மருந்து சிகிச்சையும் இலவசமாக அளிக்கப்படுகிறது.
ரூ.20 லட்சத்தில் கட்டிடம்
எச்.ஐ.வி. தொற்று உள்ளவர்களின் எண்ணிக்கை அதிகம் ஆன காரணத்தினால் இந்த சிகிச்சை மையத்திற்கு ரூ.20 லட்சத்தில் தொண்டு நிறுவன உதவியுடன் புதிய கட்டிடம் கட்டப்பட்டு உள்ளது. இந்த புதிய கட்டிடத்தின் திறப்பு விழா நேற்று நடைபெற்றது. விரிவாக்கம் செய்யப்பட்ட இந்த புதிய மையத்தை அமைச்சர் டி.பி.பூனாட்சி திறந்து வைத்தார்.
அரசு தலைமை கொறடா மனோகரன், மேயர் ஜெயா, எம்.எல்.ஏ.க்கள் இந்திராகாந்தி, சந்திரசேகரன், துணை மேயர் மரியம் ஆசிக், கோட்ட தலைவர்கள் சீனிவாசன், ஞானசேகர், கவுன்சிலர் சகாதேவன், ஜெ. பேரவை புறநகர் மாவட்ட செயலாளர் ராமு, கி.ஆ.பெ. விசுவநாதன் அரசு மருத்துவ கல்லூரி டீன் வள்ளிநாயகம், துணை முதல்வர் டாக்டர் அலீம், ஏ.ஆர்.டி. மைய பொறுப்பாளர் டாக்டர் ராணி உள்பட பலர் கலந்து கொண்டனர்.
திருச்சி கி.ஆ.பெ., அரசு மருத்துவக்கல்லூரி மருத்துவமனை புத்தூரில் இயங்கி வருகிறது. இம்மருத்துவமனையில், 2005ம் ஆண்டிலிருந்து ஹெச்.ஐ.வி.,யால் பாதிக்கப்பட்டவர்களுக்கு சிகிச்சை அளிக்கப்படுகிறது. எய்ட்ஸ்க்கான மருத்துவ சிகிச்சை, 2004 ஏப்ரல் மாதம் அறிமுகப்படுத்தப்பட்டது. இம்மையத்தில் திருச்சி மாவட்டம் மட்டுமின்றி, புதுக்கோட்டை, கரூர், பெரம்பலூர் உள்ளிட்ட மாவட்டத்தைச் சேர்ந்த எய்ட்ஸ் நோயாளிகளுக்கு சிகிச்சை அளிக்கப்படுகிறது.
இம்மையத்தில், 6,427 பேர் ஏ.ஆர்.டி., மாத்திரையை உட்கொண்டும், தினமும், 200க்கும் மேற்பட்டவர்கள் சிகிச்சை மற்றும் ஆலோசனைக்கு வந்து செல்கின்றனர். 15 பணியாளர்களுடன், மூன்று பயிற்சி பெற்ற டாக்டர்கள் மற்றும் நான்கு ஆலோசகர்களுடன் இயங்கி வருகிறது. ஏ.ஆர்.டி., மையம் விரிவுபடுத்தப்பட்ட கட்டிட திறப்புவிழா நேற்று முன்தினம் நடந்தது.
அமைச்சர் பூனாட்சி திறந்து வைத்தார். அரசு தலைமை கொறடா மனோகரன், மாநகராட்சி மேயர் ஜெயா, எம்.எல்.ஏ., இந்திராகாந்தி, துணைமேயர் ஆசிக்மீரா, டி.ஆர்.ஓ., தர்ப்பகராஜ், அரசு மருத்துவக்கல்லூரி முதல்வர் டாக்டர் வள்ளிநாயகம், துணைமுதல்வர் டாக்டர் அலீம், மருத்துவ அலுவலர் சிவக்குமார் உள்பட பலர் பங்கேற்றனர்.
திருச்சி கி.ஆ.பெ., அரசு மருத்துவக்கல்லூரி மருத்துவமனை புத்தூரில் இயங்கி வருகிறது. இம்மருத்துவமனையில், 2005ம் ஆண்டிலிருந்து ஹெச்.ஐ.வி.,யால் பாதிக்கப்பட்டவர்களுக்கு சிகிச்சை அளிக்கப்படுகிறது. எய்ட்ஸ்க்கான மருத்துவ சிகிச்சை, 2004 ஏப்ரல் மாதம் அறிமுகப்படுத்தப்பட்டது. இம்மையத்தில் திருச்சி மாவட்டம் மட்டுமின்றி, புதுக்கோட்டை, கரூர், பெரம்பலூர் உள்ளிட்ட மாவட்டத்தைச் சேர்ந்த எய்ட்ஸ் நோயாளிகளுக்கு சிகிச்சை அளிக்கப்படுகிறது.
இம்மையத்தில், 6,427 பேர் ஏ.ஆர்.டி., மாத்திரையை உட்கொண்டும், தினமும், 200க்கும் மேற்பட்டவர்கள் சிகிச்சை மற்றும் ஆலோசனைக்கு வந்து செல்கின்றனர். 15 பணியாளர்களுடன், மூன்று பயிற்சி பெற்ற டாக்டர்கள் மற்றும் நான்கு ஆலோசகர்களுடன் இயங்கி வருகிறது. ஏ.ஆர்.டி., மையம் விரிவுபடுத்தப்பட்ட கட்டிட திறப்புவிழா நேற்று முன்தினம் நடந்தது.
அமைச்சர் பூனாட்சி திறந்து வைத்தார். அரசு தலைமை கொறடா மனோகரன், மாநகராட்சி மேயர் ஜெயா, எம்.எல்.ஏ., இந்திராகாந்தி, துணைமேயர் ஆசிக்மீரா, டி.ஆர்.ஓ., தர்ப்பகராஜ், அரசு மருத்துவக்கல்லூரி முதல்வர் டாக்டர் வள்ளிநாயகம், துணைமுதல்வர் டாக்டர் அலீம், மருத்துவ அலுவலர் சிவக்குமார் உள்பட பலர் பங்கேற்றனர்.
Monday, October 14, 2013
Juvenile crimes rankle Trichy
Oct 15, 2013, 01.44AM IST [ R Gokul ]
TRICHY: Crimes of all sorts are reported and their perpetrators are varied, with even children being accused of heinous crimes. The growing number of juvenile crimes and other deviant acts are a concern for parents, law enforces and the general society. Experts say that the careless parenting is a significant factor behind children going astray. Trichy city is not immune to juvenile crimes and many here see it as an outcome of declining social values.
The statistics of the city crime record bureau (CCRB) reveal that as many as 45 minors were arrested in connection with 34 juvenile crime cases between January 2012 and December 2012. Among these minors, one was a girl. The cases registered against these minors include murder, attempt to murder, kidnap, theft, riot, causing hurt, accident and other petty offences.
The number of juvenile cases registered this year is yet to be compiled, but it is expected that juvenile crimes may only rise. A few days back, on October 11, the city police arrested three minors for pickpocketing. Two of them were sent to a government observation home. It was revealed that they were punished for their crimes earlier too and continued to repeatedly indulge in such crime.
"We are taking legal action against minors indulging in crimes in order to rehabilitate them. But they should realise that they are going on the wrong path," said Shailesh Kumar Yadav, the commissioner of police (CoP), Trichy.
Lack of good parenting is said to be one of the main causes for juvenile delinquency. "In the current scenario, it remains a big challenge to the society. Careless parenting, improper understanding of the children's mindset and some media have negative impact on the character of the children. Parents must realise that they should educate children about moral behaviour," said Dr RM Sam Deva Asir, assistant professor in the social work department of Bishop Heber College.
Asir recalled an incident in which a seven-year-old girl threatened her 27-year-old drunkard father with dire consequences for torturing the family. "The chances are very high for such children to indulge in criminal activities. So, good parenting is a must for a better society," he added.
Dr MA Aleem, vice principal of KAPV government medical college, said parents should be role models for their children. "Nowadays, the lack of role models in the family is also a problem. If the parents are embodiment of good behaviour, it will automatically have a positive impact on their children. The chances of children becoming criminal are high if their father is no more," he noted.
The desperation to earn money sidesteps care and protection of children, said advocate S Indra Gandhi, Chairman of child welfare committee (CWC), Trichy. "Even though parents have to deal with all sorts of problems, they should spare time to nurture their children. The real development of the country depends on the quality of the children."
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Antisocial Personality Features
In modern day, we encounter many instances where people behave against the rule of law and disregard many of the other social norms. Such encounters may put these persons in trouble and they will also disrupt the livelihood of the others who live in close association with them. These individuals may not be able to fulfill their duties to the family, work place or else to the society as a whole and would often resort to lies, violence and other such behaviors in carrying out these acts. In mental health, person who compulsively undertakes to so such antisocial acts can be termed under the category, ‘antisocial personality disorders in pschyiatry
A person with an antisocial personality disorder can be a good charmer as well as a liar. They will use their wit to manipulate people and lure them in order to achieve their objectives. These individuals will often show disregard to right or wrong and would perceive themselves as doing the right thing. The characteristic feature in such manipulation and lies would be its persistent nature than being isolated incidences.
Antisocial personalities often invade the rights of the others and they may resort to abuse of vulnerable groups of people such as children. They will not respect the rights of others and often would resort to intimidation of others in making their moves.
Another feature of this personality is their action based on impulsiveness and this would lead to many negative developments in one’s life. Their fondness to violence and aggression would make them resort to harming others in order to achieve what they want and due to the super imposed agitation in their life, the outcomes of such aggressive behaviors could become fatal as well.
When considering the relationships enjoyed by these individuals, it could be said that, they resort to abusive relationships as giving respect and performing their duties seems not to be part of their thinking process. Therefore, the relationships enjoyed by these individuals would be unstable and poor and often would end up in separation.
These individuals can be seen changing their jobs rather frequently as the employers may show unhappiness of their conduct of irresponsibility and disregard to work rules.
Apart from the above mentioned signs and symptoms, a person with antisocial personality disorder may often be found on the other side of the law and would frequently get in to trouble with the law enforcement authorities. The tendency to do drug and alcohol abuse would increase their vulnerability in performing antisocial acts and therefore, a intervention in correcting or rehabilitating such individuals would have to aim at relieving these elements prior to any constructive intervention.

Best Administrator Award To Dr.M.A.Aleem
Trichy district collector of government of Tamil nadu presented Best Administrator Award to Dr.M.A.Aleem vice principal head of the department and professor of neurology at Kapv Govt Medical College and MGM government hospital Trichy for his dedicated work as Vice-Principal and as a neurologist in doctors day celebration held at Kapv Govt Medical College auditorium on 10th OCTOBER 2013.
world congress of neurology 2013
Attended XXII world congress of neurology at Vienna Austria from 21to26th September 2013. That's very useful to update our recent advances in neurology.
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Monday, October 7, 2013
Mental health of older people
Mental Health Of Older People
Dr M A Aleem
Professor of neurology
Kapv govt medical college and MGM govt hospital
Getting older and retirement both involve a change in lifestyle for most people and it's important to take care of yourself mentally as well as physically.
There's an assumption that mental health problems are a 'normal' aspect of ageing but most older people don't develop mental health problems, and they can be helped if they do. While a significant number of people do develop dementia or depression in old age, they aren't an inevitable part of getting older.
Get the statistics on mental health and older people.
Not everyone feels ready to retire at the same time. If work or career is a major part of your life, it can affect:
The social aspect of your life if your job also provided friendships
Your sense of self-worth and self-esteem if you felt valued at work
Your financial security.
But being retired (or semi-retired) can also be a busy life because friends and family can have plans for your time - anything from child care to DIY tasks. It can be a chance to try a new activity or learn new skills and do the things that you've always wanted to do but never had the time.
Depression describes a range of moods, from feeling a bit low in mood to feeling unable to cope with everyday life. It can affect anyone, of any culture, age or background but more older people are affected than any other age group. This is because older people are much more vulnerable to factors that lead to depression, such as:
being widowed or divorced
being retired/unemployed
physical disability or illness
loneliness and isolation.
The neurobiological changes associated with getting older, prescribed medication for other conditions and genetic susceptibility (which increases with age) are also factors. There are a number of rarer mental health problems that affect older people too, including delirium, anxiety and late-onset schizophrenia.
Find out more about depression, how to prevent it and how to get help.
Dementia is a decline in mental ability which affects memory, thinking, problem-solving, concentration and perception. It occurs as a result of the death of brain cells or damage in parts of the brain that deal with our thought processes.
People with dementia can become confused and some also become restless or display repetitive behaviour. They may also seem irritable, tearful or agitated which can be very distressing for both the person with dementia and their family and friends.
Find out more about dementia, whether you're worried about memory problems or you're a trying to help someone with dementia.
Alcohol abuse
Although alcohol abuse is a problem for people of all ages but it is more likely to go unrecognised among older people. Reasons for alcohol abuse in older age include bereavement and other losses, loneliness, physical ill health, disability and pain, loss of independence, boredom and depression, which is also linked to the other factors. Retirement may also provide more opportunities for drinking too much.
Prescribed medications can cause symptoms associated with mental illness in older people. Most older people are taking some kind of medication, and many are taking several at the same time. There are risks associated with taking multiple medications, including confusion.
Mental capacity and caring for others
People with dementia or severe mental illness may be unable to make and communicate decisions. Very few people are completely incapable of making any choices or decisions, but some older people may have partial or fluctuating mental capacity and may need help.
People with dementia often need special support - they may take longer to make decisions, may need an advocate to speak on their behalf and their mental functioning may also vary by day, and time of day. Family members or carers are often useful sources of information but it is important to take account of the views of the person with dementia alongside those of their carer. Being a carer isn't always easy. Many find it demanding both physically and emotionally.
Dr M A Aleem
Professor of neurology
Kapv govt medical college and MGM govt hospital
Getting older and retirement both involve a change in lifestyle for most people and it's important to take care of yourself mentally as well as physically.
There's an assumption that mental health problems are a 'normal' aspect of ageing but most older people don't develop mental health problems, and they can be helped if they do. While a significant number of people do develop dementia or depression in old age, they aren't an inevitable part of getting older.
Get the statistics on mental health and older people.
Not everyone feels ready to retire at the same time. If work or career is a major part of your life, it can affect:
The social aspect of your life if your job also provided friendships
Your sense of self-worth and self-esteem if you felt valued at work
Your financial security.
But being retired (or semi-retired) can also be a busy life because friends and family can have plans for your time - anything from child care to DIY tasks. It can be a chance to try a new activity or learn new skills and do the things that you've always wanted to do but never had the time.
Depression describes a range of moods, from feeling a bit low in mood to feeling unable to cope with everyday life. It can affect anyone, of any culture, age or background but more older people are affected than any other age group. This is because older people are much more vulnerable to factors that lead to depression, such as:
being widowed or divorced
being retired/unemployed
physical disability or illness
loneliness and isolation.
The neurobiological changes associated with getting older, prescribed medication for other conditions and genetic susceptibility (which increases with age) are also factors. There are a number of rarer mental health problems that affect older people too, including delirium, anxiety and late-onset schizophrenia.
Find out more about depression, how to prevent it and how to get help.
Dementia is a decline in mental ability which affects memory, thinking, problem-solving, concentration and perception. It occurs as a result of the death of brain cells or damage in parts of the brain that deal with our thought processes.
People with dementia can become confused and some also become restless or display repetitive behaviour. They may also seem irritable, tearful or agitated which can be very distressing for both the person with dementia and their family and friends.
Find out more about dementia, whether you're worried about memory problems or you're a trying to help someone with dementia.
Alcohol abuse
Although alcohol abuse is a problem for people of all ages but it is more likely to go unrecognised among older people. Reasons for alcohol abuse in older age include bereavement and other losses, loneliness, physical ill health, disability and pain, loss of independence, boredom and depression, which is also linked to the other factors. Retirement may also provide more opportunities for drinking too much.
Prescribed medications can cause symptoms associated with mental illness in older people. Most older people are taking some kind of medication, and many are taking several at the same time. There are risks associated with taking multiple medications, including confusion.
Mental capacity and caring for others
People with dementia or severe mental illness may be unable to make and communicate decisions. Very few people are completely incapable of making any choices or decisions, but some older people may have partial or fluctuating mental capacity and may need help.
People with dementia often need special support - they may take longer to make decisions, may need an advocate to speak on their behalf and their mental functioning may also vary by day, and time of day. Family members or carers are often useful sources of information but it is important to take account of the views of the person with dementia alongside those of their carer. Being a carer isn't always easy. Many find it demanding both physically and emotionally.
World mental health day 2013 "Mental health of older adults"
N World Mental Health Day 2013 theme is "Mental health and older adults"
Mental, behavioral and neurological disorders are common in all countries around the world, causing immense agony and staggering economic and social costs. People with any disorder are mostly subjected to an isolated social life, poor life quality and higher death rates.
Mental Health – Global Priority
Mental health is increasingly endorsed as a significant aspect in terms of the overall well-being of the individual. In 1999 World Mental Health Day, which falls on October 10, had been dedicated to “Mental Health in Primary Care: Enhancing Treatment and Promoting Mental Health”. Mental health issues are a global priority and it is imperative to address issues pertaining to it at the earliest and in an effective and efficacious manner.
Integration of Mental Health into the Primary Care Setting
This day encourages more transparent discussion of illnesses, and investments in prevention and treatment services. WHO’s calculations for 2002 states that 154 million people across the world suffer from depression.
The World Health Organization has identified following 7 reasons for including mental health into the primitive care structure:
The burden of mental disorders is immense. They create a substantial personal burden for affected persons and their families, and they create magnificent economic and social hardships that affect the society entirely.
The treatment gap for mental disorders is huge. There is a substantial gap between the prevalence of mental disorders and the quantity of people undergoing treatment.
Mental and physical health issues are interlinked. Integrated primary care services affirm that people are provided with the fair treatment.
When mental health is clubbed with primary care, people can get mental health services close to vicinity. It also enhances mental health promotion and community outreach.
Primitive care for mental health attention is less expensive for patients, communities and governments alike.
Primary care for mental health dignifies respect of human rights.
Primary care for mental health asserts good health outcomes specifically when collaborate with anetwork of services at secondary stage and in the community.
Inclusion of mental health within the primitive care system can yield more fruitful results in following manners:
Diagnosing for mental disorders results in improved patient outcomes only when appropriate care detection is followed.
Increasing referrals to behavioral health provider specialist with added supports may lead to enhance follow-through and outcomes.
Imparting Physician education.
Care needs to be streamlined and based at evidence-based approaches.
Meanwhile it is imperative to ensure that there are clearly defined principles and steps regarding the line of treatment that should be offered to the general practitioners and primary care workers. Following the initial treatment by primary workers further referrals for complex mental health issues can be sent to psychiatrists and psychologists with specialization.
Mental, behavioral and neurological disorders are common in all countries around the world, causing immense agony and staggering economic and social costs. People with any disorder are mostly subjected to an isolated social life, poor life quality and higher death rates.
Mental Health – Global Priority
Mental health is increasingly endorsed as a significant aspect in terms of the overall well-being of the individual. In 1999 World Mental Health Day, which falls on October 10, had been dedicated to “Mental Health in Primary Care: Enhancing Treatment and Promoting Mental Health”. Mental health issues are a global priority and it is imperative to address issues pertaining to it at the earliest and in an effective and efficacious manner.
Integration of Mental Health into the Primary Care Setting
This day encourages more transparent discussion of illnesses, and investments in prevention and treatment services. WHO’s calculations for 2002 states that 154 million people across the world suffer from depression.
The World Health Organization has identified following 7 reasons for including mental health into the primitive care structure:
The burden of mental disorders is immense. They create a substantial personal burden for affected persons and their families, and they create magnificent economic and social hardships that affect the society entirely.
The treatment gap for mental disorders is huge. There is a substantial gap between the prevalence of mental disorders and the quantity of people undergoing treatment.
Mental and physical health issues are interlinked. Integrated primary care services affirm that people are provided with the fair treatment.
When mental health is clubbed with primary care, people can get mental health services close to vicinity. It also enhances mental health promotion and community outreach.
Primitive care for mental health attention is less expensive for patients, communities and governments alike.
Primary care for mental health dignifies respect of human rights.
Primary care for mental health asserts good health outcomes specifically when collaborate with anetwork of services at secondary stage and in the community.
Inclusion of mental health within the primitive care system can yield more fruitful results in following manners:
Diagnosing for mental disorders results in improved patient outcomes only when appropriate care detection is followed.
Increasing referrals to behavioral health provider specialist with added supports may lead to enhance follow-through and outcomes.
Imparting Physician education.
Care needs to be streamlined and based at evidence-based approaches.
Meanwhile it is imperative to ensure that there are clearly defined principles and steps regarding the line of treatment that should be offered to the general practitioners and primary care workers. Following the initial treatment by primary workers further referrals for complex mental health issues can be sent to psychiatrists and psychologists with specialization.
Saturday, October 5, 2013

City » Trichy
Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Government Hospital in need of better cancer treatment facilities
R Gokul, TNN | Oct 5, 2013, 05.12 AM IST

Mahatma Gandhi|insurance|Cervical cancer|Cancer|breast cancer
TRICHY: At a time when cancer patients seeking treatment is on the rise, the premier hospital for Trichy and neighbouring district, Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Government Hospital (MGMGH) is still not equipped with full-fledged oncology department. As of now, the hospital provides only the diagnosis of the disease, and for treatment the patients have to rely on other private hospitals by coughing up huge amount of money.
The number of patients coming to the hospital to get the cancer test done is on the rise. "Around 15 to 20 patients come here for cancer test, and out of them around 50% test positive for cancer. We are equipped to take FNCA test; CT scan and MRI scan for diagnosis of cancer. We find breast cancer, cervical cancer and blood cancer in the diagnosis.
For the treatment, we refer the patients diagnosed with cancer to other government hospital," said Dr Ravi, diagnostic cancer specialist at MGMGH. Commenting on the issue, Dr R Vallinayagam, dean of MGMGH admitted that if the facility comes up in the hospital it would be very helpful for the cancer patients. He said, "It is true many cancer patients have to be referred to other government hospitals. If the facility is available here, it would be really helpful to the patients."
In fact, many patients don't come to MGMGH as they are aware that the hospital does not have an oncology department. So, they are forced to opt for some private hospitals in the city or the government medical college hospitals in Thanjavur, Madurai and Kancheepuram for treatment.
Dr MA Aleem, vice-principal of the medical college hospital told TOI, "We are can provide basic treatment to cancer patients, and the drugs can be provided to them with chief minister's insurance scheme. The process is on to get the surgical and medical oncology in the super specialty ward." Earlier, the situation of huge number of cancer patients returning without treatment from MGMGH had forced some doctors in the hospital to start new hospitals for the cancer patients.A source said that a doctor, who used to work at MGMGH, had started a private cancer hospital.
Likewise, a proposal to start a radiation oncology department is kept in abeyance, and even the National Cancer Society and Bhabha Atomic Research Centre had given its nod to start the centre in 2009 and 2012 respectively. The hospital administration is not aware about the reasons behind the delay.
A full-fledged oncology department is still a mirage for the MGMGH because of reasons best known to the administrators. Trichy district geographically located at the centre of the state have to be pioneer in many ways. Unfortunately, the lack of lobbying for the district has been obstructing its growth. On the other hand, the political interference cripples the development of the hospital many ways. The progress of the MGMGH was stalled by many years by the politicians who controlled the city because they were stakeholders in some major hospitals.
Now, the only hope for getting an oncology department lies in the under-construction six floor super specialty hospitals in the MGMGH premises

City » Trichy
Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Government Hospital in need of better cancer treatment facilities
R Gokul, TNN | Oct 5, 2013, 05.12 AM IST

Mahatma Gandhi|insurance|Cervical cancer|Cancer|breast cancer
TRICHY: At a time when cancer patients seeking treatment is on the rise, the premier hospital for Trichy and neighbouring district, Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Government Hospital (MGMGH) is still not equipped with full-fledged oncology department. As of now, the hospital provides only the diagnosis of the disease, and for treatment the patients have to rely on other private hospitals by coughing up huge amount of money.
The number of patients coming to the hospital to get the cancer test done is on the rise. "Around 15 to 20 patients come here for cancer test, and out of them around 50% test positive for cancer. We are equipped to take FNCA test; CT scan and MRI scan for diagnosis of cancer. We find breast cancer, cervical cancer and blood cancer in the diagnosis.
For the treatment, we refer the patients diagnosed with cancer to other government hospital," said Dr Ravi, diagnostic cancer specialist at MGMGH. Commenting on the issue, Dr R Vallinayagam, dean of MGMGH admitted that if the facility comes up in the hospital it would be very helpful for the cancer patients. He said, "It is true many cancer patients have to be referred to other government hospitals. If the facility is available here, it would be really helpful to the patients."
In fact, many patients don't come to MGMGH as they are aware that the hospital does not have an oncology department. So, they are forced to opt for some private hospitals in the city or the government medical college hospitals in Thanjavur, Madurai and Kancheepuram for treatment.
Dr MA Aleem, vice-principal of the medical college hospital told TOI, "We are can provide basic treatment to cancer patients, and the drugs can be provided to them with chief minister's insurance scheme. The process is on to get the surgical and medical oncology in the super specialty ward." Earlier, the situation of huge number of cancer patients returning without treatment from MGMGH had forced some doctors in the hospital to start new hospitals for the cancer patients.A source said that a doctor, who used to work at MGMGH, had started a private cancer hospital.
Likewise, a proposal to start a radiation oncology department is kept in abeyance, and even the National Cancer Society and Bhabha Atomic Research Centre had given its nod to start the centre in 2009 and 2012 respectively. The hospital administration is not aware about the reasons behind the delay.
A full-fledged oncology department is still a mirage for the MGMGH because of reasons best known to the administrators. Trichy district geographically located at the centre of the state have to be pioneer in many ways. Unfortunately, the lack of lobbying for the district has been obstructing its growth. On the other hand, the political interference cripples the development of the hospital many ways. The progress of the MGMGH was stalled by many years by the politicians who controlled the city because they were stakeholders in some major hospitals.
Now, the only hope for getting an oncology department lies in the under-construction six floor super specialty hospitals in the MGMGH premises

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